Celebrate #horrorprompt’s 5th anniversary by writing something horrifying with us today!

Write with us!

Follow @horrorprompt on Twitter for the latest horror-themed writing prompts, write something horrifying and tag it with #horrorprompt. Your work could be included in future poetry & prose collection eBooks!

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Everything you say can and will be used against you in my next book.

Write a dark/horror haiku!

Follow @haikuprompt on Twitter for haiku writing prompts. Take inspiration from the prompt word and write a dark/horror-themed haiku with us today!

Attention #horror #writers on Twitter!

Tag your tweets with #vsshorror for retweets of your dark/horror-themed work. See @vsshorror for more.

Thank you for sharing and supporting 🖤

PG Patey

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